Short Courses & Workshops

Develop Your Intuition – An Introduction – Full day or 2 half day workshops

We are all born with our sixth sense or intuition which when tapped into effectively assists you in making better life decisions and achieving greater success.  Practical exercises will help you get in touch with those important hunches and subtle feelings.

Life Coaching for Greater Success & Fulfillment – 8 x 2/3 hour sessions

This course will give you the opportunity to assess all areas of your life, make decisions on areas requiring change, improve your quality of life and make plans for your future. Increase your self-aware, reduce stress & create a more balance life.

Understanding Stress & Self-Care for Individuals and Workers – Full day workshop

This course will assist participants to understand their own and others stress.  They will learn and practice tools and strategies to help manage stress and take care of themselves and others more effectively.

Self-Care for Carers – 8 x 2/3 hours

Working in the helping areas, we can so often find that our self-care is the last on the list. This session will help you to reflect upon what you are currently doing to take care of yourself, to consider new choices and to make a plan for your future.

Self-Care, Relaxation & Meditation – Full Day

This workshop will help you to identify stressors and underlying causes of any stress in your life.  You will learn and practice tools and strategies to help you release your stress, relax more effectively and take better care of yourself.

Become An Excellent Communicator – 7 x 2 1/2 hour sessions

Understand how we communicate, what creates breakdowns in personal & professional relationships and how communication affects our lives.  Learn and practice skills to improve communication techniques to help bring about life changes.

Communication for Team Building – 6 x 2 hours

This course will give participants an understanding of the communication process and what creates breakdowns in personal & professional relationships.  It will provide opportunities to apply the skills and principles covered to the workplace.  The main emphasis will be on an understanding of the importance of effective communication as a team.

Successful Teambuilding – Full or Half Day workshop

This workshop will provide managers/coordinators/workers with an understanding of the importance and benefits of teambuilding in an organisation. Participants will experience a range of practical and creative teambuilding strategies to assist them in helping teams to work together/work within a team, as a more cooperative group with common goals and values.

A Creative Approach to Career Pathways & Goal Setting

There are many changes happening in the world of work & in people’s attitudes.   So many are dissatisfied & feeling stuck in a rut.  This workshop will provide you with the opportunity to take a look at your current situation, your future aspirations as well as goal setting & exercises to practise at home.

Understanding & Dealing with Anger  

Anger is usually considered to be an undesirable emotion.  However, when you understand how you have been dealing with your anger and learn new strategies, you will become more empowered and develop a greater sense of self.  Participants in this course will be encouraged to work through current issues, acknowledge & release the past.